Tutorial- Downloading YouTube videos using Python
- Python (Obvious)
- pytube
pip install pytube
Downloading Youtube video
After installing pytube, return to the text editor, open the Python file and import pytube:
from pytube import YouTube
Copy the URL of the youtube video you want to downalod. Create instance of it in the next line of python code:
url = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=example'
video = YouTube(URL)
The pytube module works by giving you different streaming options. However, the video has a different stream resolution. So pytube allows you to download videos based on these.
For printing different stream from YouTube object write down following code:
def print_stream(video):
[<Stream: itag="18" mime_type="video/mp4" res="360p" fps="25fps" vcodec="avc1.42001E" acodec="mp4a.40.2" progressive="True" type="video">, <Stream: itag="22" mime_type="video/mp4" res="720p" fps="25fps" vcodec="avc1.64001F" acodec="mp4a.40.2" progressive="True" type="video">, <Stream: itag="137" mime_type="video/mp4" res="1080p" fps="25fps" vcodec="avc1.640028" progressive="False" type="video">, <Stream: itag="248" mime_type="video/webm" res="1080p" fps="25fps" vcodec="vp9" progressive="False" type="video">, <Stream: itag="136" mime_type="video/mp4" res="720p" fps="25fps" vcodec="avc1.4d401f" progressive="False" type="video">, <Stream: itag="247" mime_type="video/webm" res="720p" fps="25fps" vcodec="vp9" progressive="False" type="video">, <Stream: itag="135" mime_type="video/mp4" res="480p" fps="25fps" vcodec="avc1.4d401e" progressive="False" type="video">, <Stream: itag="244" mime_type="video/webm" res="480p" fps="25fps" vcodec="vp9" progressive="False" type="video">, <Stream: itag="134" mime_type="video/mp4" res="360p" fps="25fps" vcodec="avc1.4d401e" progressive="False" type="video">, <Stream: itag="243" mime_type="video/webm" res="360p" fps="25fps" vcodec="vp9" progressive="False" type="video">, <Stream: itag="133" mime_type="video/mp4" res="240p" fps="25fps" vcodec="avc1.4d4015" progressive="False" type="video">, <Stream: itag="242" mime_type="video/webm" res="240p" fps="25fps" vcodec="vp9" progressive="False" type="video">, <Stream: itag="160" mime_type="video/mp4" res="144p" fps="25fps" vcodec="avc1.4d400c" progressive="False" type="video">, <Stream: itag="278" mime_type="video/webm" res="144p" fps="25fps" vcodec="vp9" progressive="False" type="video">, <Stream: itag="140" mime_type="audio/mp4" abr="128kbps" acodec="mp4a.40.2" progressive="False" type="audio">, <Stream: itag="249" mime_type="audio/webm" abr="50kbps" acodec="opus" progressive="False" type="audio">, <Stream: itag="250" mime_type="audio/webm" abr="70kbps" acodec="opus" progressive="False" type="audio">, <Stream: itag="251" mime_type="audio/webm" abr="160kbps" acodec="opus" progressive="False" type="audio">]
From ouput of different stream choose the extension you want, then write down the following code to get the strem of that extension.
ext_video = video.streams.filter(file_extension='your_extension')
[<Stream: itag="248" mime_type="video/webm" res="1080p" fps="25fps" vcodec="vp9" progressive="False" type="video">, <Stream: itag="247" mime_type="video/webm" res="720p" fps="25fps" vcodec="vp9" progressive="False" type="video">, <Stream: itag="244" mime_type="video/webm" res="480p" fps="25fps" vcodec="vp9" progressive="False" type="video">, <Stream: itag="243" mime_type="video/webm" res="360p" fps="25fps" vcodec="vp9" progressive="False" type="video">, <Stream: itag="242" mime_type="video/webm" res="240p" fps="25fps" vcodec="vp9" progressive="False" type="video">, <Stream: itag="278" mime_type="video/webm" res="144p" fps="25fps" vcodec="vp9" progressive="False" type="video">, <Stream: itag="249" mime_type="audio/webm" abr="50kbps" acodec="opus" progressive="False" type="audio">, <Stream: itag="250" mime_type="audio/webm" abr="70kbps" acodec="opus" progressive="False" type="audio">, <Stream: itag="251" mime_type="audio/webm" abr="160kbps" acodec="opus" progressive="False" type="audio">]
However, the module returns different streaming resolutions, starting with 360p at 720p and 1080p (possibly more). But when you look closely, every resolution has an itag value.
For example, itag = “22” for res = “720”, and itag for 360p resolution is 18.
You can use this itag value to call the stream, including the get_by_itag ()
def get_video_by_itag(ext_video,itag_num):
return ext_video.get_by_itag(itag_num)
video_stream = get_video_by_itag(ext_video,your_tab_num_here)
Now, all you need is to downlaod video using downlaod
def downlaod_stream(stream,file_name,path):
stream.downlaod(filename = file_name,output_path=path)
downlaod_stream(video_stream,"First Youtube video","./")
Here the output_path
is your prefferd downlaod directory.
Altogether your code will look something like this:
#youtube video downaloder code
from pytube import YouTube
def print_stream(video):
def get_video_by_itag(ext_video,itag_num):
return ext_video.get_by_itag(itag_num)
def download_stream(stream,file_name,path):
stream.download(filename = file_name,output_path=path)
if __name__ == '__main__':
url = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=example'
video = YouTube(URL)
ext_video = video.streams.filter(file_extension='your_extension')
video_stream = get_video_by_itag(ext_video,your_tab_num_here)
download_stream(video_stream,"First Youtube video","./")
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